Tang Soo Do teaches mental and physical training. This involves the application of co-ordinated agility, dynamic mobility, power, flexibility and special awareness to complex body movements. The training teaches stances, pattern forms, breathing exercises, self-defence, hand & foot techniques, sparring and free-fighting.

Balancing Movement From 3rd Form Of The Seven Stars!


TSD is suitable for both sexes from 6 years upwards. It provides a firm basis for personal advancement.
TSD is taught as a traditional Korean martial art. It is legally recognised in Korea as the national martial art.

TSD promotes self-advancement by promoting physical health and instilling self-discipline and social responsibility in its members.

Sports Council Recognition
The U.K. TSDF is supported by the Sports Council of Great Britain. It is recognised by the Sports Council as the sole governing body for Tang Soo Do martial arts in Great Britain.

Availability and Enrolment
TSD is available throughout the United Kingdom. Classes may found in the South, Midlands, Yorkshire, Greater Lancashire, Wales, Scotland, North-West and North-East.
Beginners may enrol at any time simply by introducing themselves at a lesson, or by contacting your local instructor.
To find lessons in your area click U.K. Regional Lesson List